Services for your home
Choose to visit one of our conveniently located drop-off booths or upgrade to our curbside service and we’ll come to you. We currently offer curbside service all over Central Ohio.
Select a plan
Drop-off Service
Drop-off your compost at one of our weekly booths near you. Find drop-off locations.
per month
Drop off weekly at any of eight (8) conveniently located booths.
Includes one (1) 5-gallon container with airtight lid.
Fresh compostable liners provided each week.
Free compost for your garden each year.
Curbside Service
Weekly collection of food scraps from your sidewalk. We come to you!
per month
Weekly pickup at your service address.
Includes one (1) 5-gallon container with airtight lid.
Fresh compostable liners provided each week.
Free compost for your garden each year.
Curbside Team
Team up with your neighbors and save! How teams work.
per month per household
Weekly pickup at one (1) specified service address.
Includes one (1) 5-gallon container with airtight lid for each household.
Fresh compostable liners provided each week.
Volume pricing discounts.
All team members are eligible to receive free compost each year.
“The Compost Exchange has been a great experience and my only regret is that we did not join up sooner.”